Forjando Futuros
en Fe
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¿Por qué elegir MBTA?
A Year in Review 2023-24
Mejor aceptación de la escuela secundaria
Such as...
Cristo Rey St. Martin, Carmel Catholic High School, St. Joseph Catholic High School, Woodlands Academy
& Loyola Academy
What's Happening This Month At MBTA?
Horario de oficina de verano
Lunes jueves
7:00 - 12:00 p. m.
14 de agosto
Orientación para la nueva escuela intermedia
10:00-12:00 p. m.
Conozca y salude a los maestros
12:00 - 14:00
15 de agosto
Primer dia de escuela
Sin servicio de autobús
Comienza TLC
Las etiquetas de autobús van a casa
16 de agosto
Comienza el servicio de autobús
Meet Our New Principal
Dear MBTA Families and Community,
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year. I am honored to serve as your new principal at MBTA. With seventeen years in education and eight as a principal, I bring diverse leadership experience from public, private, and international settings. I am excited to support our staff, students, families, and the greater Waukegan community in a warm, inclusive and welcoming environment.
Our students are nurtured to grow in their faith, embrace strong core values, and become responsible individuals capable of educational success. We are privileged to partner with our families to equip students with the tools they need for success in high school, college, and beyond.
At Most Blessed Trinity Academy, our philosophy emphasizes excellence in Christian living, learning, and academic achievement. The school values diversity, cultures, and traditions, creating a supportive community where all can succeed. I look forward to an exciting year and encourage everyone to participate in our community events. There will be many opportunities to get involved in your student's classroom and extracurricular activities. Please feel free to schedule a meeting with me or contact me directly. My contact information is listed below.
Warm regards,
Robert Peters
Most Blessed Trinity Academy